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How to Use BioGrow 365 Booster Plus 

Organic Application Concentrate

BioGrow365 Booster Plus Concentrate 

      One 264 gallons Tote makes 528

      Gallons of fertilizer

BioGrow365 Booster Plus Concentrate 

      One 264 gallons Tote makes 528

      Gallons of fertilizer

BioGrow365 Booster Plus Concentrate 

      One 264 gallons Tote makes 528

      Gallons of fertilizer


Application RatesBioGrow 365 Booster Plus

GENERAL DIRECTIONS: 3 Applications per season recommended.


Aerial Application:

Use 4-5 gallons per acre in minimum of 10 gallons of water.  3 applications per season.


Soil Application:

Use 4-5 gallons per acre in a minimum of 20 gallons of water applied through any irrigation system or as a side dressing.


Foliage Application:

Use 3 gallons per acre in minimum of 20 gallons of water. Use every 7-10 days or as needed to supplement nutritional requirements.




Tomatoes, Peppers & Eggplant:

Use 4-5 gallons per acre per application. Make the first application after transplanting, thinning or at second true leaf stage. Apply 1 to 2 subsequent applications at 10 to 15 day intervals or as needed to supplement nutritional requirements. The critical stages for foliage applications are 2-3 true leaves, pre bloom and early cluster formation. 

Broccoli, Cauliflowers, Cabbage, Brussels Sprouts (Brassicas): 

Use 4-5 gallons per acre per application. Make the first application after transplanting, thinning or at second true leaf stage. Apply 1 to 2 subsequent applications at 10 to 15 day intervals or as needed to supplement nutritional requirements.

Melons, Cucumbers, Pumpkins (Cucurbits): 

Use 2 - 3 gallons per acre per application. Make the first application after transplanting, thinning or at second true leaf stage. Apply 1 to 2 subsequent applications at 10 to 15 day intervals or as needed to supplement nutritional requirements.


Lettuce, Celery, Spinach, Endives, Parsleys & Other Leafy Crops:

Use 5-6 gallons per acre per application. Make the first application after transplanting, thinning or at second true leaf stage. Apply 1 to 2 subsequent applications at 10 to 15 day intervals or as needed to supplement nutritional requirements.


Beans, Peas & Corn:

Use 5-6 gallons per acre, per application. Make the first application after thinning or at second true leaf stage. Apply 2 to 3 subsequent applications at 10 to 15 day intervals or as needed to supplement nutritional requirements.



Use 5-6 gallons per acre per application. Make the first application after transplanting. Apply at 30 day intervals or as needed to supplement nutritional requirements.


Potatoes, Carrots, Onions & Other Root & Tuber Crops:

Improves foliage color as well as tuber development. Use 4-5 gallons per acre per application. Make the first application after transplanting or at second true leaf stage. Apply 1 - 2 subsequent applications at 10 to 15 day intervals or as needed to supplement nutritional requirements.



Grapes, Hops: Use 4-5 gallons per acre per application.


Table Grapes: 

Make first application at bloom. Apply subsequent applications at bunch pre closing, veraison and 2 to 3 weeks prior to harvest or as needed to supplement nutritional requirements



Wine Grapes: Make first application at approximately 5% bloom. Apply subsequent applications at bunch pre closing, veraison and 2 to 3 weeks prior to harvest or as needed to supplement nutritional requirements.


Raspberries, Blackberries, Blueberries, Kiwis & Other Caneberries:

Use 4-5 gallons per acre per application. Make first application at pre bloom. Make subsequent applications at 30 day intervals up to harvest or as needed to supplement nutritional requirements.





Almonds, Walnuts & Other Nut Crops:

Use 4-5 gallons per acre per application. Make the first application at green tip. Make subsequent applications at 30 day intervals up to nut fill or as needed to supplement nutritional requirements.


Plums, Nectarines & Other Stone Fruit:

Use 4-5 gallons per acre per application. Make the first application at green tip or pink bud. Make subsequent applications at fruit set or jacket fall, fruit thinning and 2 to 3 weeks prior to harvest or as needed to supplement nutritional requirements.


Apples, Pears & Other Pome Fruits:

Use 2 - 3 gallons per acre per application. Make the first application at green tip. Make subsequent applications at 30 day intervals up to harvest or as needed to supplement nutritional requirements.


Citrus & Avocados:

Use 4-5 gallons per acre per application. Make first application at pre bloom. Make subsequent applications at mid crop and 3 to 4 weeks prior to harvest or as needed to supplement nutritional requirements.



Use 3-4 gallons per acre per application. Make the first application at pre bloom. Apply subsequent applications at 30 day intervals to harvest or as needed to supplement nutritional requirements.



Use 5-6 gallons per acre per application



Use 8-10 gallons per acre per application




Product / How to Use / Organic

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