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A New Generation of Farming

BioGrow 365 is a complete natural all in one organic liquid fertilizer and soil rejuvenator containing a highly specialized microbiology that is environmentally safe.

BioGrow 365 is made through an innovative manufacturing procedure that turns natural raw materials into an environmentally safe, natural liquid organic fertilizer resulting in healthier fruit, vegetables, crops, livestock and people.

Biogrow 365 is multipurpose and can be used on row crops, fruit & nut trees, alfalfa, hays, grapes, lawns, pastures, flowers, ornamentals and gardens

BioGrow 365 will not burn, is non toxic and non polluting. It can be delivered through any commonly used irrigation system including  flood and drip feed systems. BioGrow 365 has been designed as a stand alone product and a replacement for all commonly used fertilizers, soil amendments and microbial inoculants.

San Joaquin Delta

San Joaquin Delta

"Biogrow 365 increased our tonnage from 40 to 55 tons per acre on our Tomatoes. It works on any crop". - Leo, farming for 60 years

Yield Increase

Yield Increase

"We got clear results with more tons per acre, yield from significant lateral leaf growth". - Salinas Farmer

Drought Resistance

Drought Resistance

"No other fertilizer product has the micronutrient quality of BioGrow 365. Lowered our fertilizer cost and significantly improved soil health leading to stronger roots".

Increased Effectiveness

Increased Effectiveness

"BioGrow's microbes help unlock bound nitrogen and neutralize salt in the soil over time".

Solutions for Sustainable Agriculture


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BioGrow365 Information

See What BioGrow365 Can Do for YOUR CROP

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